Wednesday, September 02, 2015

BLOGTEMBER DAY 2: My Perfect Day

Hi everyone! First off, I want to thank those who read and commented on my last post! I'm still on mobile and haven't quite figured out how to do more than post on the app but I can't wait to reply and check out more of everyone else's posts!

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015: Describe your ideal day. Where would you go and what would you do?

Today's prompt is to describe the perfect day and let's be real, the perfect day would be finding out I was secretly entered in a real estate lottery and won my dream home, as well as a gigantic cash prize to be spent at Lululemon, Arizia, Chapters and all the stores my wallet generally aches once I walk in the door. Then, obviously, be teleported to Disneyworld. Teleported, of course because it's an imaginary ideal day and teleporting is totally a thing and air travel is not a thing in anything that includes 'ideal'.

But realistically, an ideal day for me would start with me sleeping in (of course). I am pretty easy to please in general but there would be absolutely no work, class, studying or housework done on this day. I would have Ready Brek for breakfast (my favourite cereal that isn't available in North America) and start the day off strong with a LUSH bubble bath and newly added episodes of whatever Netflix show I'm watching (I can't wait for the new season of The 100 this January!). I would then have some time to do whatever creative project that I would be obsessed with then, like maybe working on my quote boards or completing a page in my Wreck This Journal. For lunch I would go to my favourite local resteraunt with my boyfriend and get my usual: a burger that has bacon and avocado and THE BEST buns ever! We would go on a Timmies run and end the day with a Disney movie marathon and my moms Yorkshire pudding and steak with asparagus dinner (my favourite!). Maybe a Starbucks run and a mall visit with my best friend thrown in there too!

As amazing as that sounds, I was pretty happy with today. It wasn't as jam packed with favourites as that but I did get to watch the second half of The Hunchback of Notre Dame with my boyfriend and we went on a hike during a rainstorm which was amazing. 

On the way home from camping, I got a cool shot of a rainbow so naturally I'm going to end this post on a cheesy note. I may not have been teleported to Florida or eaten like a queen today but I spent it with someone I love doing things I love, which sounds pretty ideal to me.

Thanks so much for reading my post! I look forward to hearing from you and hope you're having a fantastic day :)



  1. Sounds like you had a lovely day today, and your ideal day sounds pretty cool to me.
