Friday, July 25, 2014

Who I Needed

[The quote poster thingy in the picture was made with scrapbook paper, a dollar store canvas and my Silhouette Cameo. The lace vase is from Ikea (actually my church... my mom said I could have it, whoops).]

If you follow me on any social media you'll know I'm obsessed with quotes. I actually made a big long post on this blog that you can find HERE regarding my long-term love of quotes :) 

The way I've discovered quotes has definitely changed throughout the years as social media and the internet in general have grown. If you had told me I would soon be finding quotes that were screenshots of tweets on tumblr I (and anyone else) probably would have thought you were bonkers. Yes, bonkers. 

Yet here we are.

I forget what tumblr blog I found it on but it was in my drafts for about a month. It's one of those quotes that make you think. And it just sounds cool. 

Most of the quotes I collected when I was in elementary and high school were copied and pasted just for that reason, they sounded cool. I never really cared if they applied to me or my life but just enjoyed the way those words were strung together. And if they rhymed, even better.

But post-secondary has ruined me and now I overthink everything.

Who did I need when I was young?

I am not going to lie, I had a pretty great childhood. My family went on amazing vacations, I have a great relationship with my parents who have been married for twenty-five years and I never had to share a bedroom. 

But the whole friend thing was my problem. 

 All my life I was the "mother hen". Maybe it's from being the oldest child or always being a girl that played with dolls- from Barbies to Cabbage Patch and having a beyond creepy porcelain doll collection. When I started school I was a chronic befriender of the weird kids. I liked being nurturing and helping people and, well, being someone's only friend. 

I can trace it through all of my school years. I would make a friend, we'd get really close and then for some reason we couldn't be friends anymore (moving/ changing schools/ her parents fearing I was going to make their daughter into a lesbian... not making that one up, unfortunately). 

I was the weird girl. I always was. I liked Digimon and wore overalls and cornrows and wrote stories for fun.  I didn't listen to the popular music, didn't get clothes from the cool stores and apparently that doesn't get you friends. 

In grade five I made two friends (twins) that I decided were the real deal. We did everything together and even when they moved three hours away we stayed close. We're still best friends after knowing each other for sixteen years and this fall I am a bridesmaid in one's wedding. They were weird too. We played real life Neopets on the playground at recess and researched Ancient Rome for fun. Ten years after we met one of their boyfriends gave me two-hundred Digimon cards because he was told if I didn't like him, he would be single again. 

Theres nothing like meeting people that know you're weird and different and encourage it.

Once I started high school I stopped hiding the things I liked and actively displayed Disney and Digimon and everything else on my binders and in my locker. I figured if people thought that was weird, I didn't need to be their friend.

Acceptance comes in many shades and maybe my flavour seems very first-world-problem to you when there's so much other hate and exclusion based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, class and so forth but I figure when people have been told they're not good enough, it doesn't matter why. I know I am a white, middle class, CIS female and so I know I have not faced challenges that many people have and I don't pretend to have done so, but I try to be as accepting of people no matter what may make them different from me.  

It's okay if you like things or are things that everyone else thinks are not normal. If someone is going to give you a hard time for being different, they lost the opportunity to have a freaking awesome lifelong friend.

I wish someone had told me that when I was ten. 


Close The Journal. Write/ Scribble Something On The Edges.

I'm pretty sure it's a requirement of an English-speaking human being to love Dr. Seuss. I even had a VHS of The ABC's of Dr. Seuss and I can still hear the narrator in my head: "Big A... Little A... What begins with A?" I honestly can't tell you why I watched that as many times as I did. 

For my graduation gift from my godmother I recieved a hardcover copy of "Oh, The Places You'll Go!". As did my boyfriend from his, and pretty much everyone who has graduated ever. It is a pretty perfect gift for graduation. 

It's filled with inspiring goodies and beyond perfect quotes. I think one day I'll have to go to Value Village and see if I can find an old copy and use it for an art project, but in the meantime I did a page of my Wreck This Journal inspired by it.

Something I found out (the hard way) from my first WTJ (which you can find HERE) is to do the page where you have to write on the edges of the book first. Or close to first. I did it early on but when I wrote along the edges the sharpie bled through the pages that were done (and a bit thicker) and were visible on lots of the pages. Now, it is a WRECK This Journal so it's not the biggest deal but I have major control issues. 

So on the edges of this journal I wrote part of Dr. Seuss' book, which you can see in the title picture. One of my favourite lines in the book is "Kid, you'll move mountains!" so both the writing on the edges and the quote shown on the actual page connects to that line.

On the left side of the page(s?) (I'm so tempted to call it a DPS... throwback to my yearbook days!) I just did a quick watercolour drawing of some mountains. Back in the day every picture I ever drew had to have a sun (with sunglasses, of course) in the corner and some stellar mountain ranges, so I was well practiced for this day. The watercolour set I got was from a dollar store, so hurray for being thrifty! 

On the right side page I made the cover of the book that I guess is supposed to be the journal into a quick version of Oh! The Places You'll Go. Both the lettering of the line on the left and the title/ author's name were done with leftovers from my Martha Stewart paper punch that I've kept from previous projects. I love how the mismatched rainbow letters give it a super Dr. Seuss-y look. If you'd like to check out those paper punches (one of my favourite crafting purchases ever!) I found them super cheap on Amazon and made a shopping "playlist" of all the things I used on this page of my Wreck This Journal! You can find it HERE :)

Also on the right side you can kind of see the blue-green writing that goes behind the book. This is one of my favourite techniques that I've used in art projects for almost ten years... and it's not going to be retired any time soon. On this one it's about the first half of all the text in Oh! The Places You'll Go. I think it kinda looks like grass which goes with the picture on the other side. Or something...

You can watch the entire process of me "wrecking" this page in the following video!

Thanks for reading!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Who is Most Likely To?

My best friend and I spent the weekend camping (in a trailer... So "camping") and we decided it's about time we do another video! This is the Most Likely To tag, which has several different versions and we just scoured the internet and combined questions to make the best possible one for ourselves (gonna be honest... Neither one of us is most likely to show up to work hungover or have had the most boyfriends) 

And here are the questions:

Who is most likely to...
Get married first?
Want lots of kids? 
Ask a stupid question?
Take control of a serious situation?
Lose their purse?
Meet someone famous?
Take care of the other while they're sick?
Hold their breath the longest?
Write a book?
Have a panic attack?
Fall while walking?
Spend money on things they don't need?
Watch anime?
Watch romantic movies?
Read Steven king?
Fall for a prank?
Steal shampoo bottles and soap from a hotel?
Fall asleep first?
Win big on who wants to be a millionaire?
Get arrested?

I hope you enjoyed this video and these questions if you want to do a tag video too! :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Disney Tag

I love watching and making Tag Videos... I also love Disney movies! So, here is an awesome combination of both! This was one of the first requested videos I've done so that's super exciting!

1. A scene in any Disney movie you wish you could experience.
2. An unforgettable experience/moment you've had at the parks.
3. What non-Disney song(s) reminds you/brings back memories of Disney Parks? 
4. When was the first time you went to a Disney park?
5. If you could choose any Disney character to be your best friend, who would you choose? 
6. Who is your favorite Disney princesses?
7. Name a scene/moment in any Disney movie that never fails to make you cry.
8. What is the first Disney movie you remember seeing?
9. What is your favorite Disney movie?
10. Who is your favorite Disney villain?
11. What is your least favorite Disney movie?
12. What is your favorite Disney song?
13. What Disney Character (s) has your personality or has your dream personality?
14. If you could change any scene in a Disney movie, what would it be and why?
15. If you had to get stuck on any ride in any Disney park for more than 30 minutes, what would you want it to be?

Have you done the Disney tag? What were your answers? Check out mine in the YouTube video below! 


Quote/ Unquote

I'm what you might call a quote-a-holic. Actually, you probably wouldn't because you're obviously way cooler than me and wouldn't use terms like that. But I really, really, REALLY love quotes. My obsession started back in elementary school when chain emails were a big thing. I actually have a few funny ones saved on my computer still, but the majority were cheesy poems that you had to forward to everyone you loved to remind them that you care. And when you were twelve in the early 2000's, it was very serious business. Anyway, I received one (and I honestly couldn't tell you who sent it to me) but instead of the usual cheesy poem it was a bunch of (equally cheesy) short sayings punctuated with emoticons illustrating each saying. And a monster was created.

I printed out the group of sayings on my dad's old black and white printer and pinned it on the little half cork board and half white board that I had in my room. And thus, my new quote obsession spawned my first quote board. These quotes also found their way into my msn messenger screen names more than once.

I had just finished a book report for school and part of the assignment was to include a quote from the book. In grade seven if was that annoying overachiever/ goody good/ teachers pet and of course just one quote wouldn't suffice. So there were three. 

And after getting my book report back, I cut up the part with the quotes and that went on the quote board as well.

Then, one of my first online loves was discovered: (It still exists!). I spent countless hours copying and pasting quotes from and into word documents. I then found quotes from digimon, and at the time I was hiding my obsession in order to appear 'cool' so I altered some of the quotes to be un-digified. 

The collection grew and grew and I began cutting and pasting all these quotes onto my little bulitin board. And then upgraded to a full size bulitin board. And another. And another.

Then I decided the quotes were too spaced out and older quotes were too separate from newer quotes and I wanted there to be more variety on each board as well as an optimal use of space. If you can't tell, I take the weirdest things very seriously. So, an entire summer was spent taking off all the quotes that had been held on with sticky tack, and reapplying them with glue and leaving as little space between them all as possible. I got really good at Tetris that year.

Now, I have nine quote boards. They have travelled with me from old house to new house, some to four different bedrooms and multiple room reorganizations. Each one has some kind of mini tribute to Canada as well as random things, pictures and of course... So many quotes. 

Of all the things I own and have made, my quote boards are the most special to me. It was something I came up with all on my own and they grew and evolved with me. Yes there are the cheesy quotes I found when I was twelve, and the digi-sensored ones as well as the later added actual digimon quotes. They are still incomplete and I have a drawer of 'to be pasted' quotes as well as a document of 'to be printed' ones. After ten years of an obsession I have over a thousand pages worth of quote related word documents and have depleted Canada's supply of sticky tack and glue sticks. 

There are very few things I treasure to the same standards as these boards and I'm only half joking when I tell my mom that they can't go into storage because they're going with me to every room I ever occupy, including my grave. They can be cremated with me, right? 
